How Do Transponder Keys Work?
If you have ever hired a locksmith service to make transponder keys then you already know a little bit about the process. When it comes to transponder keys, some of you might be thinking why these keys usually cost more than regular keys. Automated keys can be divided...
Consider installing a kill switch for better automotive security
Car keys are used to start and turn off a vehicle. This is obvious. - But for added automotive security car keys are not enough. In this blog post we talk about what the average automotive driver can do to secure their vehicle better by installing an ignition key...
The tools of a locksmith
The job of a locksmith service is very delicate and you must have certain tools to carry out the job effectively. The tools can be confusing especially if you’re a starter. The job of a locksmith is made easier if they have these tools. Locksmiths tend to work in...
Choosing Door Locks for Home Security
Personal safety and home security are a very important matter to all homeowners. By having quality door locks installed you will significantly improve the security of your home. Many statistics point out that burglars are usually choosing to break into those homes...
Residents in San Antonio Now Have a Locksmith to Turn To In Case of an Emergency Lockout
Residents of San Antonio Texas have complained about not having a reliable emergency lockout service in the area. This has led to a lot of frustration as many end up waiting hours for a locksmith to arrive at their location. It is worse when there are children...
Locksmith services are much more than you imagine.
For all of history there has been a lot of mystic wrapped up in the services of a locksmith. Like a magician with their bag of tricks, the locksmith has always been able to awe and inspire. From the ancient pad locks guarding the gates of palaces, to straight jacket...
San Antonio Locksmith Launches Emergency Locksmith Services for Kids Locked in Vehicles
San Antonio Car Key Pro’s, one of the leading locksmith services in San Antonio has announced a special service to rescue kids who get accidentally locked in cars. The rising incidents of small children who have been accidentally locked inside vehicles has recently...
Attributes You Should Look For In A San Antonio Locksmith
Whether the locks of your home need to be changed or you wish to upgrade the security at your office, you will need to hire a San Antonio locksmith. There will certainly be more than one locksmith in your area, town or city and you would want to hire the best among...