If you’re like most Chevy owners, you rely on your key fob to unlock and start your car. But what do you do when the battery dies? In this blog post, we’ll show you how to change the battery in a Chevy key fob. We’ll also provide some tips on prolonging the life of your key fob battery. So if your key fob isn’t working properly, keep reading!

The Basics Of A Chevy Key Fob

A Chevy key fob is a small, hand-held electronic device that allows you to remotely control various functions of your Chevrolet vehicle, such as locking and unlocking the doors, starting the engine, and opening the trunk.

It typically consists of two parts: a metal key blade that fits into the ignition, and a small plastic transmitter with buttons for controlling the various functions. In most cases, the key fob batteries can be replaced by following a few simple steps.

First, use a small flathead screwdriver to pry open the back of the key fob. Next, remove the old battery and insert the new one, being sure to orient it correctly. Finally, close up the key fob and test the buttons to make sure they’re working properly. If your key fob is still not working after replacing the battery, it may be time to consult a professional.

What Kind Of Battery Does A Chevy Key Fob Take? 

If you have a Chevy key fob, chances are you will eventually need to replace the battery. Chevy key fobs use CR2032 batteries, which can be found at most electronics stores. To replace the battery, start by removing the key from the key ring.

Then, locate the small hole on the back of the key fob. Using a small screwdriver or another sharp object, push the release button in the hole and slide the back cover off of the key fob. Next, remove the old battery and insert the new one, making sure that the plus side is facing up.

Finally, replace the back cover and push the release button to lock it in place. If your key fob still isn’t working after replacing the battery, it may be time to consult a professional.

Things To Consider When Looking For A Chevy Key Fob Battery 

If your Chevy remote keyless entry system isn’t working properly, it might be time to replace the battery.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking for a new battery:


The batteries for remote keyless entry systems come in a variety of sizes, so it’s important to choose one that will fit your specific remote.


There are two main types of batteries for remote keyless entry systems: lithium and alkaline. Lithium batteries tend to last longer, but they’re also more expensive. Alkaline batteries are a good choice if you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option.


There are many different brands of remote keyless entry batteries available on the market, so it’s important to do some research to find one that will work well with your remote.

Circuit Board.

If this is damaged, it’s likely that your key fob will stop working entirely. You’ll also want to search for vehicles that have the same position as the battery. This will make it easier to replace the battery when it eventually dies. Finally, you’ll want to buy a key fob battery that is specifically designed for your vehicle. This will ensure that it fits properly and lasts as long as possible.

Once you’ve found the right battery, replacing it is easy – simply remove the old battery from the remote with a flat head screwdriver and then insert the new battery, making sure that the positive and negative sides are facing the correct way. With a new battery in place, your remote should be working like new again.

How To Remove The Old Battery From The Chevy Key Fob? 

When the time comes to replace the battery in your Chevy key fob, it’s important to know how to remove the old battery and install the new one properly. Otherwise, you could damage the components of your key fob or even cause it to stop working entirely.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to replacing the battery in your Chevy key fob:

1. Start by removing the old battery from your key fob. If you have an older model, you may need to use a small flathead screwdriver to pry open the case. On newer models, there is usually a small chrome button that you can press to release the back panel.

2. Once the back panel is off, you should see the old battery inside. Gently remove it, taking note of which way it was installed. The positive side of the battery (the side with the + symbol) should be facing up.

3. Now it’s time to install the new battery. Again, make sure that the positive side is facing up before inserting it into place.

4. Once the new battery is in place, simply snap the back panel onto your key fob and you’re all done!

How To Install The New Battery In The Chevy Key Fob- The Complete Step Guide 

Replacing the chevy malibu key fob battery is a pretty easy and affordable process, but it’s one that can be easily overlooked until you’re stuck with a dead key fob. If that happens, you’ll be forced to use the chevy malibu’s key to get in and out of your car, which is not only a pain but also a security risk.

If you are the owner of a Chevy and you need to change the battery in your key fob, there is no need to go to a professional. You can do it yourself in just a few minutes with only a few tools.

Before you begin, make sure that you have the following items:

  • A small Phillips head screwdriver
  • A new CR2032 battery

To avoid that situation, it’s best to change the chevy malibu key fob battery every two years or so.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Start by locating your chevy key fob. If you can’t find it, check advanced automotive dealer websites for replacement chevy key fobs.

2. Once you’ve found your chevy key fob, locate the small screw on the back. Using a small screwdriver, remove the screw and pull open the chevy key fob case.

3. Inside the chevy key fob, you’ll see a small battery. Carefully remove the old battery and replace it with a new one. Make sure that the new battery is installed in the same direction as the old one.

4. Once you’ve replaced the chevy key fob battery, put the chevy key fob back together and screw the back panel on tightly.

5. Test the key fob to make sure that it’s working properly before putting it away. You should now be able to use your key fob without any problem!

Troubleshoots In Changing The Battery In Chevy Key Fob

If your Chevy key fob has a dead battery, you’ll need to know how to change it out. Here are some quick and easy troubleshooting tips.

First, make sure that the battery in your key fob is actually dead. You can do this by pressing the button on the key fob. If the button doesn’t work, then the battery is most likely dead and will need to be changed.

Next, locate the small Phillips head screws on the back of the key fob. There are usually two of them. Use a small Phillips head screwdriver to remove the screws and take off the back cover of the key fob.

Once the back cover is off, you’ll see the battery inside. Carefully remove the old battery and replace it with a new one. Make sure that the positive side of the new battery is facing up before you put the back cover back on and screw it into place.

Then, press the button on your key fob to test it out. If it works, then you’ve successfully changed the battery in your Chevy key fob!

Tips For Prolonging The Life Of Your Chevy Key Fob’s Battery 

If you own a Chevy Malibu, you know that the key fob is an essential part of your daily life. This small, handheld device allows you to unlock your car doors and start the engine with the push of a button. But what happens when your key fob’s battery starts to die?

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to replace the battery in a chevy key fob. If your key fob starts to act up, it’s best to take it to a professional who can replace the battery for you. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to prolong the life of your key fob’s battery.

First, make sure to keep your key fob clean and free of dirt and debris. A build-up of dirt can interfere with the electronic components in your key fob, causing it to work harder and drain the battery faster. You can clean your key fob with a soft cloth or cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.

Another way to prolong the life of your chevy key fob’s battery is by storage. When you’re not using your key fob, store it in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Extreme temperatures can damage the electronic components in your key fob and shorten its lifespan.

Finally, consider investing in a key fob cover. A good quality cover will protect your key fob from scratches, dirt, and moisture. It’s also a good idea to add an extra layer of protection between your key fob and anything else in your purse or pocket – like coins or keys – that could potentially scratch or damage it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Easy To Change Battery In Chevy Key Fob?

Yes, it is easy to change the battery in your Chevy key fob. You will need a small screwdriver to remove the back panel of the key fob. Once the back panel is removed, you can access the battery compartment and replace the old battery with a new one.

What Type Of Battery Does A Chevy Key Fob Use?

A Chevy key fob uses a CR2032 coin cell battery. This type of battery can be found at most stores that sell batteries.

Do I Need To Take My Key Fob To A Dealer To Have The Battery Changed?

No, you do not need to take your key fob to a dealer to have the battery changed. You can easily change the battery yourself with a small screwdriver.

What Happens If My Key Fob Battery Dies?

If your key fob battery dies, you will not be able to use the key fob to unlock your car doors or start your car. You will need to use your physical key to unlock your doors and start your car.

Can I Drive My Car If My Key Fob Battery Is Dead?

Yes, you can drive your car if your key fob battery is dead. You will just need to use your physical key to unlock your doors and start your car.

What Should I Do If My Key Fob Battery Dies While I’m Driving?

If your key fob battery dies while you’re driving, you will need to pull over and stop the car. Once the car is stopped, you can use your physical key to unlock your doors and start your car.


While this process may seem daunting, it is actually a relatively easy task that can be completed in just a few minutes. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you should be able to change the battery in your Chevy key fob quickly and easily.

If your Chevy key fob isn’t working, you may need to change the battery

Changing the battery in a Chevy key fob is a simple process that can be done at home with just a few tools.

By following these simple instructions, you can save yourself a trip to the car dealership and have your key fob working like new in no time.